Hi, I Am

CJ Wright

About Me

My goal is to be the tech professional that can integrate seamlessly into in production pipeline. I can be the missing piece or the the whole puzzle. Creative solutions for getting the job done, audibly - visually - frontend/backend - or in post!

  • cwright0428@gmail.com

  • https://bit.ly/2SE9vZ4

  • www.iamcjwright.com

"I LOVE TO MAKE THINGS! Food, Music, Friends, memories, art and apps!"

For the last several years, I have been a touring drummer. Traveling all over the country and playing in venues large and small really hammered home the importance of consistency in the end product. I’ve always been a creative. Running a photography studio on the side, as well. Nothing is more thrilling than bringing something to life, from a sketch or even a fleeting inspiration. Audio- video photo motion graphics design and now programming


I offer a full range of creative solutions pre/post production, stock photography, audio engineering, video editing and full stack devlopment.

Web Developer

Single Page Apps, Progressive Web Apps, Electron based or fully flushed out webpages.

Web Design

If the code works but the theming doesn't I've got you covered.



Studio, lifestyle, Weddings, Product, even Families. I can take your visuals to the next level.


Did I mention I moonlight as a RocK Star. (Everyone needs a hobby)

My Work

While my showcase points heavily toward photography, design, and performance right now, I'm diligently working on some really exciting projects with some really fun new technologies!


I always go the extra mile to make the job right, I don't know everything ... but I want to! tell me what you need and I'll get it done!

Start Your Journey Toward An Idea Realized!

Let's Chat! I want to hear what you have to say! Let's talk and figure out how I can be a part of your production pipeline.

If you've made it this far, thanks for taking the time out to get to know me a little bit! So go ahead, ask me a qustion down below! Or just drop a line and let me know that you we're here!